Today probably hit the highest point on the R1 - at least, I hope so. In the last couple of days it has risen from 40m above sea level to 390 just before Goslar. It then goes up and down hills and valleys. I feel like I've either been stamping away on the pedals or cruising down without putting in any effort.
While the cycling has been challenging - and mostly on gravel and mud - the views have been rewarding. First it goes past a monastery at Drübeck and then through the woods towards Bad Harzburg the path looks out over the valley.
The route climbs over and past Goslar - the region's main town - before winding down to the ancient city.
The central square is beautiful, but a little hard to appreciate immediately. Popping into a bakery made returning for some pictures all the sweeter.
Frustratingly I missed the emperor's palace, the seat of power of the holy Roman empire for 200 years. I even knew it was there, but in my haze of burning thighs forgot to check it out. There is also a mining museum in the hills.
From there it is back up into the hills again, but they are smaller and there is less to see. Signs warn of falcon (or another bird of prey) and one was soaring above. There are also plenty of dragons flies and butterflies in the region, as well as the irritating kind that stick to you in shady patches.
Bad Ganderheim is the next interesting town, around 40km on from Goslar. Other places listed were tiny hamlets.
There appears to be preparation for some youth festival under the church. Lots of German churches have a double steeple, giving them a fortress like air.
Under 1000km to go now, probably in 2 weeks, giving enough time for a couple of rest days.
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